Objective 1: Make scientific experiments documenting changes in the Arctic and share it with young audiences around the world
Young explorers/scientists scientifically observe global warming and its impact on the Arctic Ocean
Ice thickness, ice composition, snow accumulation and sea vs freshwater ice
Measure seawater, ice and air pollution
Gather & study samples that may contain thermophiles
Examine both ice / ocean interface and deep water
Understand the different poles (magnetic, geographic..),
How to navigate on ice with compasses, sextants and GPS, sundial
Documenting the drifting of the pack ice
Types of snowflakes and pollution of the flakes
Polar bears and effects of climate change on their lives
Search for fluorescent creatures
Receding glaciers in Svalbard
Objective 2: Anthropology of the Arctic and North Pole
Research the mythological/anthropological aspects of the North Pole at the source
Discover & document Inuit myths of the north
European Santa Claus myths often speak of the North Pole…
Objective 3: Art and art performances in the ice and on the pole
Under the leadership of Galya, the young explorers will create art, perform plays and exibit art from Inuit kids and other schools from around the world. It will include sculptures in and on the ice, frozen soap bubbles.
The explorers will also commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the 1968 Plaisted Polar Expedition